Friday, March 14, 2014


This is my official graduation announcement:

Jessica Mullins has officially completed her 
Master of International Development 
Major: NGO and Civil Society 
Master of Business Administration
Focus: International Organizations

So in spite of all the costs incurred at two different institutions of higher learning on two different continents, I did not get any real graduation celebration. Boo, hoo. Thus, I have decided to make my own.

This my friends, is how economical I am in sending out graduation announcements. Personalize the sample they send me and then take a picture of it !!!

Reflections of a Graduated Graduate Student...
As you grow, you think you know
You look ahead with enough anticipation to jump out of bed. 
There are always nah sayers, and lazy players, 
But growing up I started to push away the fluff and learned to be tough. 

School could be fun and easy, but that never seemed to be for me. 
I worked hard and played hard. 
But praying hard was always the key. 
Passing through undergrad, international work, and then grad school was in the cards. 
My passions became more focused and I began to see what I could be. 

Pittsburgh, Geneva....Switzerland that is
New homes, new friends, new churches, new studies...
Changing locations and degrees, intentionality and logistics were my biz. 
The winters were cold, but skiing was grand, and down jackets became my best buddies. 
I studied hard, and listened well, loving all the new info, true it tis. 

My final semester came at last, my classmates had finished their single degree in the past. 

They had their spring of big gowns and square hats, I went on to finish mid-year in just my low flats.
One degree, two degree, three, I thought someone said they'd become free. 
I'm so glad to have finished my MID & my IOMBA, you don't know what those are you say? 
No problem, as long as the HR managers answer my groans, I'll be able to pay my loans.

Here's to education, both in and out of the classroom, may we one day be free from all the bad legislation, to learn and to grow daily and never stop using our imagination. 

And thus concludes my formal announcement to you special people. Feel free to respond with all manner of gifts and checks and exciting encouraging notes. You will be honored with a non-electronic 'thank-you'. Just kidding about the gifts!---(kinda)

From my free wings to yours!

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