Sunday, September 9, 2012

A wondering, but perhaps defining re-realization...

As I begin, I would ask for your grace in the reading of this I wanted to express some ever developing thoughts and observations of issues that people in general have, myself included. At each new place I live it takes time to gather an understanding of the environment and a feel for the people and 'the way things work'. This is something I love to do and feel that I have become rather apt at doing after moving countries so frequently.

I view on Sunday afternoon, with almost no people.
I've been in Geneva almost 2 weeks now and have been 'going out' quite a bit more often than is typical for me. I've had time to gather myself and get used to the city before classes begin tomorrow. My outings have been everything from sitting by the Lac du Geneve and having people randomly invite me to go salsa dancing, to going with classmates to a city group called 'UN Interns' -- which basically consists of a huge population of the 20s & 30s in the city bar hopping each Thursday night-- to testing out churches. By virtue of being in Geneva the climate is incredibly international and I have yet to meet a person who only speaks one language or is not of mixed ethnicity. The above situations and more have all been full of lively, friendly people, who on  first impression seem to have very interesting lives and are eager to connect with others.

 However, in observing people's interactions, the plethora of opportunities for individuals to engage with each other, and the flavor of the city being one of short-term internationals, I get the feeling that people are functioning on a 'quick-dip basis'. [I totally just made up that phrase.] My point, there is a major portion of the city's population that is in transit. People work, study, and play, in and around Geneva for a while and then move on. This tone, so to speak, seems to be consistent with the terms of relationships in the city as well.

People are seeking temporary satisfaction; they are seemingly on their way to something else, in their career, relationships, and life in general. People are out for the short term rather than investing in long term anything. Single guys and girls walking around the city looking for a fun night, people standing around at a 'networking event' looking to find someone who cares about what they are doing now, someone walking into a church hoping someone cares..... These scenarios are all full of people who seem to be young, full of life and ambitions, but at the same time many of them are shriveling up and dying because they have no deep roots from which to draw strength, endurance and the fuel to grow.

I'm not sure that any of this is making sense to you, but in short, the perspective of many people in Geneva is only of the 'here and now' and not of a bigger picture of personal development and investment. I recognize that this is the attitude of many people in many parts of the world, and to some degree we all act this way at different points in our lives, but due to the revolving doors of Geneva it seems to be more prevalent here. I feel like I have been swept up in it myself. Trying to do studying down by the lake turns into people watching and coffee dates with interesting strangers. In essences, going from the long term planning of good study habits to short term small talk with anyone who finds my accent interesting.

To me, seeing this attitude so pervasive is saddening. I see people who are in desperate need of something deeper and more substantial; filled with a longing to know others and be known and loved. But they are selling themselves short by just grabbing the next person who catches their eye, to stand by their side for a few hours instead of building lasting relationships and learning to care about those relationships and the people. We are settling for fake smiles and crass jokes that reek of something deeper that cannot be understood after one or two hangout sessions.

I don't mean to say that Geneva is a city void of genuine people, or that there are no stable 'normal' people around. I'm just recognizing the theme of behaviors and interactions that I"ve experience thus far. But in light of that, I don't think anyone can disagree that even the larger global culture is tending in a similar direction. We thrive on short-term and want instant gratification. We want simple options to achieve challenging ends. But that's not how it works is it....if u want a solid career you have to do the work, take the classes, invest the time in networking and building your resume, if you want the body you have to have the disciple and take the time and effort to care for yourself, if you want the relationship you have to be willing to deal with the real person and get past the protective layer on the outside.....Important and valuable things in life take time and work. I don't write this as if it is something new or that you have not heard a billion times before. I write it as an observation from my time so far in Geneva, which has not shown me that people here are in the mood for a lot of effort in connecting deeply with others. (This may seem counter-intuitive considering the work that many people do here is humanitarian work in nature.)

 As one of the girls in my program mentioned this week "everyone's so nice" response...."everyone's nice when you first meet them". I wasn't saying that to be pessimistic or anything, I was saying it as a note of our times and in this case, location as well.

Why am I even writing all this...? Well, as I sat in church this morning pondering my week, my thoughts went back to our biblical call to love others as ourselves. Nothing complicated right?.....What if we put in the effort to get to know others and love them as ourselves? It is a new kind of challenge in this case.

Sure, I realize that to some of my readers this all sounds so 'churchy', but get over it.....don't you want world peace too? ;) Seriously, what do you think would happen in your group of friends, ('church people' or no 'church people') if we each really began to care for those we already know and those we meet?

WOW. Like really? Ya, that is tough. That takes energy and motivation and time! What if 'going out' meant meeting up with people to share life with them and support them in their difficult times instead of  spending the evening meeting 10 new people and trying to wow them with how awesomely cool I am so that they will give me all kinds of compliments and want to be my facebook friend?! :)

In the end this is a blog post mostly for myself (not sure how that translates to caring more about others-haha), but I thought it might help motivate myself, generate some response, and give you a bit of an insight into the city of Geneva Switzerland.

Some classmates and I went to France for cheaper groceries.
My hope is to care for other's better. I want to, in spite of my surroundings, be someone who lives genuinely, and cares deeply for those I meet. I know I am not capable of doing this on my own strength, so the conclusion of all my above babbling is to simply lean closer into the arms of Jesus Christ. For those who may be confused or even grossed out by such an idea, I challenge you to step it up yourself.....start caring about and investing in other people more. I wager you will get positive responses, grow your own character, and perhaps find that you may be in need of a strength, endurance, and patience greater than your own. :) Whatever your personal perspective, I'm sure it will be worth your effort - and please do let me know your progress!
Sunday in the old/down town. A delight with the crowds. :)

Sincere greetings to you all and blessings on your week! When next we meet I will be deep into my studies!

-Jessica :)

1 comment:

  1. Jess - you are so right. Real relationships take work, take investing, require give and take, and more than a minutes time. Its easy to just jump in and out of friendships, lives, etc... "quick-dipping" as you call it because of how our world is these days. With "friends" on Facebook that we really don't know, a moving society where we don't even know our neighbors, and lives that we think are simpler if we just stay cloistered in our life so we don't have to put up with others messiness or stuff, we end up missing out on not only the blessings we could experience, but also in the refining that comes from the struggles we might have to work through. I can imagine it is more pervasive in your situation, but knowing you, by the end of the semester you will have weeded through some of the shallow and gotten down to some true friendships being formed. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about Geneva.
